Because we want Thrawn’s creator Timothy Zahn to consult on Thrawn’s characterization and story arc in upcoming television appearances.#MakeStuffDay is September 2nd!

What’s this all about?

The world met Grand Admiral Thrawn thirty years ago as the villain of Timothy Zahn’s bestselling Thrawn Trilogy, and over the past three decades Zahn has developed Thrawn into a truly well-rounded character with a complex history and motivations. And beginning with 2017’s Thrawn, Zahn has written five (soon to be six) canon novels spanning from Thrawn’s days as an idealistic maverick in the Chiss Expeditionary Defense Fleet, resolutely protecting his own people and anyone else in need of help, to his career in the Empire, where he agreed to serve Palpatine in the hopes that the alliance would protect the Chiss from greater evils lurking in the Unknown Regions.Thrawn first appeared in Rebels in 2016 and went out with a (temporary) bang in 2018, so of course the canon novels didn’t really figure into his characterization. Zahn was given scripts to incorporate the events of Rebels into the canon novels and did his best to contextualize them in a way consistent with his vision of Thrawn as a man balancing multiple loyalties and trying to complete his objectives with as little loss of life as possible. Thrawn is still an antagonist, someone who has made many unforgivable moral compromises in his pursuit of the greater good, but his motivations and principles make him compellingly different from villains like Palpatine, Vader and Tarkin.The issue now is that Thrawn is slated to appear in at least one upcoming SW show—and, per Zahn’s direct report, he hasn’t been consulted at all about what’s going to happen. Fans of the canon novels are concerned that Thrawn is going to be reduced to a one-dimensional villain without the internal struggles and goals that have made him so fascinating for us.It’s not that we want him to never do anything bad or be woobified, or that we demand a happy ending, and we understand that with a huge property like Star Wars, multiple writers are going to be writing the same character. We simply believe that Timothy Zahn deserves an advisor role in the characterization and fate of this iconic, multifaceted antagonist.

What can we do?

  • Participate in #MakeStuffDay on Thursday, September 2nd!

  • Follow @NoThrawnWOZahn for information about upcoming events and discussions.

  • Check the Twitter for upcoming giveaways!

  • Tweet with the hashtag #NoThrawnWithoutZahn. Talk about how much you want to see Thrawn’s creator given input in his character. Use other relevant tags like #StarWars, #TheMandalorian, #TheBadBatch, #Thrawn and #StarWarsRebels so other fans can see your tweets!

  • Make content for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and any other platform using the #NoThrawnWithoutZahn hashtag.

  • Share your favorite Thrawn quotes, interviews with Zahn talking about Thrawn, photos of your Thrawn books, photos of your Thrawn figures holding the hashtag, and your photos of Zahn during cons.

  • Use alt text on images with relevant descriptions with mentions of Star Wars, Timothy Zahn and Thrawn.

  • Quote tweet tweets that are already using the tag; add the tag and say something else in your quote.

  • Don’t @ creators’ personal accounts.

  • Tell your friends!

  • Stay on message. Our demand here is simply that Zahn is consulted in some level and that the books matter too. Your opinions are valid, but try to avoid being negative about other creators/media.

  • Avoid engaging with negative tweets as much as possible.

  • Whatever you do, please be civil!

Facebook post from Zahn: A Fel or Chiss novel would be fun. As a matter of fact, the trilogy I mentioned above (which I’ll pit

Email Template

Important Note: Please switch up some of the words in this template so these emails don’t get marked as spam!Japanese, Spanish, and Russian translations coming soon!

To whom it may concern,As a fan of Star Wars and Grand Admiral Thrawn, I just wanted to reach out and politely request that Timothy Zahn be consulted to provide input on Thrawn’s characterization and story arc in any upcoming projects in which he’s slated to appear. I realize that storytelling in the Star Wars universe is a highly collaborative process and that no character “belongs” to any one writer or creator. I would just like to express my belief that involving Zahn and his insights in that collaboration will lead to a much more consistent, multifaceted continuation of Thrawn’s story.Thank you for your time,Your Name

ザーン氏はこの30年間で、スローンを複雑な歴史と動機を持つ、実に均整のとれたキャラクターに育て上げました。そして、2017年の『STAR WARS : THRAWN』を皮切りに、ザーン氏は5冊(もうすぐ6冊)のカノン小説を執筆しました。
問題は、スローンが少なくとも1つのドラマシリーズに登場することになっているが、ザーン氏に直接話しを聞いたところ、彼は何が起こるかについて全く相談を受けていないと言います。 カノン小説のファンは、スローンが我々にとって魅力的な存在となっている内面的な葛藤や目標を持たない一面的な悪役に成り下がってしまうのではないかと懸念しています。
彼が決して悪いことをしないとか、いわゆる哀しき悪役にならないことを望んでいるわけではありませんし、ハッピーエンドを求めているわけでもありません。 また、スターウォーズのような巨大な作品では、複数の作家が同じキャラクターを書くことになることも理解しています。
・他のファンがあなたのツイートを見ることができるように、#StarWars, #TheMandalorian, #StarWarsRebels などの関連するタグも使用してください。

Worum geht es?Die Welt lernte Großadmiral Thrawn vor dreißig Jahren als Bösewicht in Timothy Zahns Bestseller Thrawn-Trilogie kennen. Seitdem hat der Autor Thrawn zu einer vielschichtigen Figur mit einer komplexen Geschichte und Motivationen weiterentwickelt.
Einige seiner Werke zählen mittlerweile ins Reich der Legends, aber beginnend mit “Thrawn” (2017) hat Zahn fünf, bald sechs, Romane innerhalb des aktuellen Star Wars-Kanons veröffentlicht.
In der Ascendancy-Trilogie lernen wir Thrawn als idealistischen Außenseiter in der Vorgeschobenen Verteidigungsflotte der Chiss kennen, der entschlossen sein eigenes Volk und alle anderen, die Hilfe brauchten, beschützte. In der chronologisch darauffolgenden neuen Thrawn-Trilogie erfahren wir, wie er seine Karriere im Imperium begann - in der Hoffnung, im Dienste Palpatines auch die Chiss vor dem schützen zu können, was in den Unbekannten Regionen auf sie lauerte.
Thrawn gab 2016 seinen filmischen Einstand in Rebels und verabschiedete sich 2018 auf spektakuläre Art aus der Serie, so dass die kanonischen Romane aufgrund der zeitlichen Überschneidung nicht wirklich in seine Charakterisierung einflossen.Zahn erhielt Skripte, um die Ereignisse von Rebels in die kanonischen Romane einzubauen, und er tat sein Bestes, sie so zu kontextualisieren, dass sie mit seiner Vision von Thrawn übereinstimmen - ein Mann, der zwischen mehreren Loyalitäten balanciert und versucht, seine Ziele mit so geringen Verlusten wie irgend möglich zu erreichen. Trotz alledem: Thrawn ist immer noch ein Antagonist, jemand, der trotz hehren Absichten viele unverzeihliche moralische Kompromisse eingegangen ist. Seine Beweggründe und Prinzipien unterscheiden ihn dennoch klar von Schurken wie Palpatine, Vader und Tarkin.Aktuelle Meldungen deuten nun darauf hin, dass Thrawn Teil mindestens einer neuen SW-Serie werden soll. Zahn wurde hierzu jedoch nach eigener Aussage in keinster Weise konsultiert. Wir als Fans der kanonischen Romane sind daher besorgt, dass dieser vielschichtige Charakter auf eine Rolle als eindimensionaler Bösewicht reduziert werden soll, ohne sein internes Ringen und seine eigentlichen Ziele, die ihn für uns so faszinierend machen.Es geht uns nicht darum, dass Thrawn seinen moralischen Graubereich verlässt oder ein Happy End bekommt. Es ist uns auch bewusst, dass bei einem riesigen Projekt wie Star Wars mehrere Autoren an derselben Figur arbeiten werden. Wir sind lediglich der Meinung, dass sein Erfinder Timothy Zahn ein Mitspracherecht bei der Charakterisierung und dem Schicksal dieses ikonischen, vielschichtigen Antagonisten verdient.Was können wir tun?auf Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok und anderswo: Nutzt den #NoThrawnWithoutZahn-Hashtag am Montag, den 2. August! Füllt die sozialen Netzwerke mit eurem Wunsch, Zahn und seinen Ideen Gehör zu verschaffen.Auch abseits dieses Tages: Twittert mit dem Hashtag #NoThrawnWithoutZahn. Sprecht darüber, was ihr an Zahns Thrawn liebt, was eure Lieblingsmomente aus den Büchern sind und wie sehr ihr euch wünscht, dass Thrawns Schöpfer weiterhin Einfluss auf seine Figur nehmen kann. Vergesst nicht, relevante Tags wie #StarWars, #TheMandalorian und #StarWarsRebels zu verwenden, damit andere Fans eure Tweets sehen können!Postet auf Instagram, TikTok, Facebook und anderen Plattformen mit dem Hashtag #NoThrawnWithoutZahnSprecht über Thrawn und verwendet den Hashtag!Erzählt es weiter!Bitte bleibt auch im Eifer des Gefechts immer höflich!

What Zahn Has Said

Interviewer: Heinrich, one of our friend from Denmark I believe, said if they were to make a Thrawn live action movie, where would you like the timeline to take place.Zahn: There are lots of options, my big concern would be they do Thrawn correctly. The Rebels team understood him, understood how to write him and built good stories around him. I'm not sure everybody in Hollywood would understand the character enough to do it right. And I would really love to be involved but I probably wouldn't be so I'd probably see it at the same time everybody else did.Interviewer: Man... they would have to involve you. That would be such a huge mistake not to.Zahn: Uhm... I agree, but that's their call.(...)
Interviewer: Heinrich says, you would have to be the writer.
Zahn: I would love to be involved. Part of the problem is Hollywood people don't think novelists know how to write for movies or tv. And in a lot of cases they are right, it's a very different medium. In books we can get into a character's mind, in a movie it's all action and dialogue, you have to craft it that way. However I think some of the best movies have been where you have the author of the book team up with someone who understands movies and is a scriptwriter. And they work together...Interviewer: I would think too.Zahn: That would be the role I'd like to be, as advisor, hope story creation, etcetera.Interviewer: I would think that with just your Star Wars writing it would translate very easily. Your writing is very cinematic in my opinion.Zahn: Well, I have done some comic books, which is kind of half way to movies, you get thought bubbles and such, but most of it is action and dialogue. And I think I would be able to write for a movie or TV show, I think I can translate what I'm seeing, I tend to write visually anyway, and I think I can translate all of that into a movie, into a visual medium. Again, nobody has yet given me the chance to show what I can do.

#MakeStuffDay is September 2nd!